Friday, August 10, 2012

ARCH1202 Project 1 - Stage

The stage design was inspired by the musical movie- West Side Story
The basketball court in West Side Story is one of the main sets in the musical, where the story is developed around that place.  Applying to Parramatta instead of New York City, with Parramatta river running through the heart of the city, it would be nice to have the river as the "centre" of the stage where activities would be evolved around.
Circular overlapping platforms are being raised to different levels and lined up beside lower platforms, mimicking different combination of activities (where there is no certain defined edge) happening along the banks of the river.

Influenced by the smooth flow of music, the platforms are organised in a manner as if they are bubbling/flowing out.

Platforms overlapping each other to highlight the cohesion of different cultures and spaces happening in Parramatta.

Musical notes have different highs and lows, and so do the height of the platforms.

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