Thursday, August 9, 2012

ARCH1202 Project 1 - Concertina Book

The project site is located at the Riverside Theatre, Parramatta

Parramatta is located 23km west of Sydney CBD, and is one of the major hubs in western Sydney with a large diversity of different cultures concentrating there.

The concertina book is mainly about the journey through Parramatta from the train station to St. Patrick's Cathedral along Church Street.  The 3D map shows the location of major public transport facilities and landmarks across the suburb.

Located in the heart of the city, the Civic Place consists of a town hall and St. John's Cathedral  with open public spaces, facilitating gatherings and cultural activities.

Leaving Civic Place and heading into Church Street, buildings from different era stand in place.  The public artwork hanging over Church Street not only tells the story of traditional fishing gear used by indigenous groups, but also act as a "magnet", luring one to continue along the street.

Passing numerous of restaurants with outdoor dining areas, one reaches the Lennox Bridge, which was the first recorded crossing across Parramatta River.  The riverside promenade provides citizens a haven from the busy urban life, giving them a moment to relax and have a break.

After crossing the bridge and passing the Riverside Theatre, Prince Alfred Park is in sight.  The park leads one diagonally away from the urban fabric and immerses one with its greenery.

On the other side of the park stands the St. Patrick's Cathedral, where the journey will conclude.  The church is a combination of old and new structures.  The cross in the new wing of the church is purposely placed off-axis to allow the completion of rotational movement when one enters the church and eventually to the courtyard. 

Maps showing green areas and different land uses.
Green spaces next to heavy vehicle traffic act as barriers and are usually dead zones.
Commercial areas are mostly concentrated on the south bank of Parramatta River and along Church Street

Historical maps showing the development of Parramatta.
Early settlements were mostly on the south bank of the river.  As time goes by, settlements began to spread out to all sides (except west, where Parramatta park is located).

Figure ground diagram with landmarks highlighted in red.
Landmarks along Church Street are mostly heritage.
Some drawings are being pasted on to cardboard as if they are popping out of the page.

Overview of the Concertina Book.

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