Friday, November 9, 2012

ARCH1261 Structures and Construction 2 - Detailed Wall Section Model

ARCH1202 - Parramatta Music Theatre

The Parramatta River plays an important role in Parramatta, joining heritage and modern buildings together.  This proposal attempts to reinsert this notion into the theatre complex, with a long porous 'backbone' linking the three solid boxes (which houses the theatres and library).
Buildings of different heights and uses are clustered into the city, creating a sense of fragmentation.  The openings in the proposal's ‘backbone' are of different sizes, bringing this sense further into the interior of the building. 

Large Theatre, Playhouse and Restaurant occupy each of the solid boxes.
A long ramp in the 'backbone' not only takes one gradually from one floor to another, it also introduces a sculptural element to the longitudinal space.

The Parramatta Music Theatre is located by the river and next to a park.

The 'boxes' are oriented towards Church Street (commercial street)  to  attract more public attention

The restaurant and music store are located separately from the two theatres so that the public can enjoy these facilities even  when there are no performances.